Grants & Scholarships Offered By WFA
WFA currently offers students and professional colleagues some opportunities for support for their research, management and conservation activities which involve wild cat species of the Americas.
- The Wild Felid Legacy Scholarship is offered annually (as long as funds are available) and provides from $1000-$2000 in awards for up to 3 graduate students. WFA now stipulates that at least one of each year's awards be given to a student from a Latin American country. To learn about, and to obtain information on applying for, the current year's scholarship check out our Scholarship Page.
- Latin America Wild Felid Research Grant - Through support from The Summerlee Foundation, the Wild Felid Research and Management Association was given the opportunity to award grants to well-deserving projects on wild felids in Latin American countries. Five recipients and their projects were selected for the 2015 grant and each was awarded $5,000. Information on their projects can be found in The Wild Felid Monitor, V9(I2) and V10(I1). We hope to offer the grant again in the future. For information on the grant please click here >
- Latin America Wild Felid Action Grant -
Through generous support from The Summerlee Foundation and assistance from an anonymous donor, the Wild Felid Research and Management Association (WFA) was able to award 3 grants of approximately $5,000 each, to well-deserving projects on wild felids in Latin American countries in 2019. We are confident that each selected project will have a tangible impact on wild felid species and habitat conservation through: the application of biological information; education of, and outreach to, local communities; and/or implementation of innovations that reduce human-felid conflict and encourage coexistence.
For more information on the grant go here>
- Travel Grants - When funds become available (typically through donations to WFA's general fund), WFA is able to provide some small grants to students and professionals who are presenting at workshops or conferences. The funds can be used to help towards travel or registration costs. Please check out our Travel Grant Page to see what WFA may be offering this year!